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Men and women differ in many ways. Some of these differences affect the experiences of drug and alcohol addiction. Consequently, having access to women’s drug rehab programs is important. In these programs, women are able to gain the treatment they need in a comfortable setting.
Women experience drug and alcohol addiction uniquely, as compared to men. Moreover, women have different biological responses to their substance abuse. They also experience different triggers and co-occurring conditions. Many women have past trauma they don’t feel comfortable discussing in front of men, with some being entirely unique to the female gender.
These are just a few reasons why women’s drug rehab is important. Some programs also provide female-only housing and spaces for female peers in recovery to bond over similar experiences. Moreover, gender-specific drug and alcohol treatment can offer a greater potential for success, depending on the circumstances.
Crest View Recovery Center fully understands the unique addiction treatment needs of women. Women in CVRC rehab treatment programs live with other women in female-specific housing.
Furthermore, gender-specific group therapy at Crest View Recovery Center is another important part of our women’s drug rehab program. This addiction therapy allows women to form stronger peer bonds in recovery. It also allows them to feel safe while discussing traumatic events. Women communicate better with other women, making these group sessions highly productive and fulfilling.
Every person experiences specific relapse risks that are unique. Women’s drug rehab programs address these risks among female peers in treatment. Specifically, female relapse risks include:
These relapse risks are significant and must be addressed. If not treated, these issues make relapse a serious possibility.
Rehab treatment for women considers women’s needs in recovery. Some cross over into men’s needs, but men and women experience them differently.
Whole-person treatment is important for women, in particular. Special attention to body image, life fulfillment, eating disorders and motherhood is important to address.
Women experience quicker addiction than men. This makes females more likely to suffer addiction than male counterparts abusing the same substances.
Women suffer greater stigmas of addiction than men. This is especially true in family life. They suffer less family support, greater burdens for childcare, lower income, and other hurdles like custody or child support problems. Many of these problems drive women from treatment early, despite their need for continued rehab.
Women’s drug rehab focuses on improving self-esteem. Self-confidence is critical in maintaining long-term recovery, fighting triggers and ending relationship problems.
Women suffer medical issues from substance abuse that don’t affect men. For example, infectious diseases, co-occurring mental illnesses, reproduction problems, fetal damage from substance abuse, early menopause, miscarriage, and infertility are all problems unique to females
Women avoid treatment more than men. The reasons include socioeconomic issues, poor support, cultural factors like stigma, childcare problems, financial problems, pregnancy and fear of losing child custody.
Some of the risks of alcoholism unique to women include greater risk for sexual assault, increased exposure to violence and increased physical harm from alcohol. Women are at a higher risk for alcoholic hepatitis, death from cirrhosis and quicker brain mass loss from alcohol than men experience.
Breast cancer risk increases in women who suffer from alcohol addiction. They also suffer a greater risk of cardiovascular disease than male counterparts.
Men typically show higher rates of alcohol abuse than women, but those statistics are changing quickly. It is important to note that women’s drinking habits are very different from men’s in regards to when they drink and how much. Alcohol also elicits different reactions from women’s bodies and so addiction will manifest differently for them. Women who binge, or drink more, face a number of health issues that men do not encounter. Binge drinking is classified as four or more drinks in less than two-hour intervals. It has somewhat become an epidemic amongst females on college campuses and at bars.
A 2013 study found that 40 percent of Caucasian women, over 10 percent of Hispanic women, and less than 10 percent of black women were found to binge drink. This is alarming because women overall weigh less than men, have less water in their bodies for alcohol to get absorbed in, and see alcohol-induced issues at much lower levels of consumption. They are likely to develop liver inflammation and are prone to heart disease at rates higher than that of men. The chance of developing breast cancer is another unique consequence of excessive drinking that women face. But a major ramification is complications during pregnancy. Drinking can endanger a fetus and cause future developmental, behavioral, and learning disabilities. This is known as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
Crest View’s medical detox program is purposefully designed to help women recover from alcohol addiction. Our facility is run by a team of incredibly compassionate and highly qualified doctors, therapists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who are on-site around-the-clock to assist their patients. Detox itself is the process of cleansing the body of harmful toxins such as alcohol and drugs especially after extended periods of abuse. It is extremely difficult to undergo and requires a tremendous amount of willpower. Individuals often experience painful feelings of withdrawal as their bodies begin to crave the alcohol leaving their system.
Detox is normally the first stage of drug rehab for women and lasts anywhere between 10 to 15 days. The length can vary depending on the severity of their alcoholism or if any concurrent disorders, such as mental illness, come into play. The time can be cut short with the help of medications that ease withdrawal, such as buprenorphine. This is the beginning phase of treatment because that alcohol must be flushed out in order to get clean. Due to the weakened state of the body, our detoxification program is supervised by addiction experts to ensure that you are recovering in a manner that is both safe and effective.
There are various aspects to the recovery process. There are so many unique forms of addiction and individuals handle substance abuse differently. So, there is no one approach to handling rehabilitation. Sobriety can be difficult to achieve due to how intense cravings can be. Painful withdrawals, if not treated properly, can lead to relapse which is potentially fatal. Due to the additional stigma that women face for suffering from addiction, any woman who has made the courageous decision to pursue treatment despite facing judgment should have access to the best recovery center for women. Crest View understands how delicate women’s drug rehab is and offers a variety of options for patients to choose from. One of them is inpatient treatment.
Inpatient care is where patients have access to treatment twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week at our residential facility. Women choose this path because they need constant surveillance due to the physical and mental toll of weaning their bodies off of alcohol and drugs. Without this kind of sustained attention, it is much easier for addicts to relapse since they are not in a controlled environment and being held accountable.
Another benefit to around the clock treatment is that medical professionals at Crest View are able to assess whether prescribing medication will help clients to manage their cravings and facilitate withdrawal symptoms. Inpatient treatment allows them to regulate the dosage so that it does not become another source of addiction and can monitor if one medication does not work or if another one will better suit the patient. Most times inpatient care is built in a way to make the participants as comfortable as possible.
This involves creating a warm and hospitable environment where they can engage in a wide variety of recreational activities, participate in individual and group therapies, as well as enroll in programs like the twelve-step ones. This residential tactic is much easier for patients to adapt to rather than a clinical, sanitized setting that may feel cold and institutionalized.
Crest View Recovery Center in Asheville partners with DreamLife Recovery to provide inpatient treatment, and is the ideal female rehab center because we utilize a comprehensive intake process to determine the best possible plan to deal with each woman’s addiction. Our addiction specialists employ the American Society of Addiction Medicine as a guide to diagnose our patients. Women undergo this evaluation to see how they will respond to different levels of care. If inpatient treatment is not for them, there is also outpatient treatment.
Outpatient care is an alternative form of treatment that permits you to leave the female rehab center and return home. It is the best option for those seeking more flexibility during recovery. It also works well for less severe cases of addiction. However, it does place much greater responsibility for the person to maintain their sobriety when not under supervision. You still have visits with doctors and psychiatrists or engage in therapy sessions, but those are limited in time rather than around-the-clock.
Crest View Recovery Center has an intensive outpatient program that combines ongoing therapy with independent living. It is constructed to aid addicts who are recently sober transition back into reality after attending twenty-four-hour programs. Most clients spend 4-6 weeks in our program where they are given the tools to stay clean. This involves seeing counselors three times a week for about three hours each session but still being able to take on personal and private life.
In Asheville, North Carolina, women gain the rehab treatment they need at Crest View Recovery Center. In addition, women live in female-only housing and experience gender-specific group therapy sessions.
Substance abuse treatment programs for women at CVRC include:
If you or a woman you love need treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, contact Crest View Recovery Center now by calling The support you need is at CVRC. Join other women in recovery, for the life you truly deserve.
Stop trying to fight this battle alone. Let today be the day you take control back from addiction. Contact Crest View today.
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