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If you’re concerned about a friend or family member’s well-being, we’re here to guide them on their path to recovery. Let us be your partner in their healing journey.
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Recreational therapy is one form of treatment that helps people overcome substance abuse and addiction. However, what does the therapeutic use of recreation involve? What are the benefits most often linked to therapeutic recreation?
Recreational therapy is the skillful use of activity therapies to enhance or maintain a person’s cognitive, social, emotional, physical, or spiritual well-being. Moreover, a person struggling with substance abuse can experience valuable balance in their daily life. Therapeutic recreation can include the use of crafts, music, sports, outdoor activities, and many additional modalities.
Therapeutic recreation can provide many benefits that help a person experience healing. For example, the following list covers just a few of these benefits:
Those experiencing a troubling addiction often feel anxious about their condition. These negative emotions can hinder them from getting the help they deserve. However, therapeutic recreation can offer the support that effectively reduces these negative symptoms.
Gaining proper social skills is a vital part of a successful life. Social skills allow us to maintain healthy relationships and be productive members of society. Therefore, recreational therapy is in large groups that help people develop these important skills. Communication and trust-building activities are common in this type of addiction therapy.
We all have unique ways of coping with the stress of daily life. In fact, some coping mechanisms are healthier than others. Those struggling with the weight of an addiction may need extra help developing healthy ways of dealing with stress. Therapeutic interventions can awaken an interest in healthy activities that can reduce daily stress.
We are all unique people with individual strengths and weaknesses. Understanding the unique aspects of our inner mind can help us find proper solutions to serious challenges. Moreover, therapeutic activities and tools can promote self-understanding and acceptance. These activities can also boost a person’s self-esteem.
Some of those experiencing addictions may have also lost significant motor functioning. However, therapeutic recreation often involves physical activities that help improve or maintain healthy motor skills.
Many people who engage in therapeutic recreational programs express a deeper sense of connection to the universe around them. As a result, this can help a person feel a sense of belonging and accomplishment.
Some people who require treatment for an addiction suffer from dual diagnosis. Specifically, this means they may also struggle with a mental health condition. In cases such as these, in-depth dual diagnosis treatment that adequately addresses both issues is effective. Furthermore, many drug treatment centers specialize in addressing a dual diagnosis. Recreational therapy activities and programs can address many of the complex issues that stem from a dual diagnosis.
It’s never easy to watch someone you care about face the serious consequences of addiction. At times, it may seem as if things can never go back to the way they were before. However, it’s important to try not to allow negative emotions to keep you from taking action. Real help is available to restore your peace of mind and happiness. If possible, simply try to be a source of encouragement for your loved one on a regular basis.
Crest View Recovery Center is an addiction treatment facility that proudly serves the needs of the Asheville, NC community. The professionals at CVRC use a special form of reality therapy to help people just like you overcome serious addictions. With a peaceful and intimate treatment setting, Crest View Recovery Center offers the support needed for a long-term addiction recovery.
Don’t let addiction keep you from realizing your true value. If you are given the right treatment tools, you can find the power to overcome a life-threatening addiction. Therefore, call 866-986-1371 to learn more about the innovative ways Crest View Recovery Center can assist you in your healing journey.
Stop trying to fight this battle alone. Let today be the day you take control back from addiction. Contact Crest View today.
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