
prescription drug misuse
can you overdose from cocaine—person holding bag of cocaine
Can you overdose on cocaine? The answer is yes. But why and how?  Cocaine is a powerful drug that is more addictive than many might think. It has the reputation of being nothing more than a fun, glamorous party drug, but the euphoric effects cocaine offers can often lead users to seek the high as...
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Opioid addiction has reached critical levels. The media has dubbed it an “epidemic.” This issue is extremely prevalent and continues to grow. Absolutely nowhere is safe from the scourge of these drugs. North Carolina is no different. Being on the east coast of the US means the state lies along a major travel corridor which...
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Most Abused Prescription Drugs for Anxiety
Anxiety and depression affect hundreds of thousands of people across the country. The good news for most of these people is there are clinical ways of managing anxiety. Talk therapy is a common one and can help most people find ways to control their anxiety. Others need a little more help, in these cases, anxiety...
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