can you overdose from cocaine—person holding bag of cocaine

Can you overdose on cocaine? The answer is yes. But why and how? 

Cocaine is a powerful drug that is more addictive than many might think. It has the reputation of being nothing more than a fun, glamorous party drug, but the euphoric effects cocaine offers can often lead users to seek the high as frequently as possible, resulting in addiction. 

How Can You Overdose on Cocaine?

Though many people know that cocaine is addictive, they may still ask, “Can you overdose on cocaine?” Yes, you absolutely can overdose on this drug. Despite the fact that the high wears off quickly, cocaine still remains in your system for a longer period. It’s not unusual for people to take more in order to maintain their high, often losing perspective and ending up overdosing.

Crest View Recovery Center knows how difficult it can be to overcome a dependency on this drug, and we’re here to help. Cocaine addiction treatment at CVRC can lead you to overall wellness and sobriety.

Cocaine Overdose and Abuse Statistics

While many people understand that drug usage can be dangerous and you can overdose on cocaine, some of the statistics about cocaine surprise many. 

  • In 2022, around 1.7% of people ages 12 and older said they’ve used cocaine
  • Cocaine was involved in nearly one of every five overdose deaths in 2017.
  • Since 2007, about five million Americans report using cocaine each year. 
  • Drug overdose deaths that involved cocaine increased by more than 34% in 2017, resulting in the deaths of almost 14,000 Americans. 
  • Adults aged 18-25 use cocaine at a higher rate than other age groups. They report using cocaine at least once in the past month at a rate of 1.4%.

While cocaine may seem like a drug predominantly used by adults, kids also experiment with it. A report detailing trends in cocaine use for 2020 shows that 1.6% of 8th and 10th-grade students have tried cocaine in their lifetime, with 4.1% of 12th-grade students reporting they have also used it. The same age groups report having used crack at least once at a rate ranging from 0.7-1.6% of the students.

Signs of Cocaine Overdose 

It’s important to recognize the warning signs of cocaine overdose. Ingesting too much cocaine can cause a person to overdose. The symptoms of cocaine overdose include:

  • Stroke
  • Heart failure
  • Heart attack
  • Seizures
  • High blood pressure
  • Elevated temperature
  • Sweating
  • Hallucinations
  • Brain hemorrhaging
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Respiratory failure

Cocaine overdoses can be potentially fatal. Even without an overdose happening, cocaine use comes with a number of negative side effects. Your chances of having a heart attack or stroke are higher when you are a regular cocaine user. In addition, even occasional users can develop thicker heart muscle walls, harder arteries, and higher blood pressure when compared to non-users.

What to Do If Somone is Overdosing on Cocaine

  • Remain calm and call emergency services
  • Turn them on their side—if they vomit, they could choke on it and die
  • Perform CPR if they’ve stopped breathing
  • Check their pulse
  • Put a cool cloth on their head or place a fan by them

Understanding How Cocaine Works

Cocaine is a narcotic that is classified as a stimulant and a Schedule II drug, which means it has a high potential for abuse. It usually comes in a white powder form. There are multiple ways to take cocaine, including snorting, smoking, or injecting it. It can even be rubbed onto the gums or swallowed. Another version of the drug is crack cocaine, which is a crystallized form that users smoke.

You get a euphoric high from using cocaine because excessive levels of dopamine rush into the brain during usage. Dopamine is a feel-good chemical in the brain. The high is short-lived, and it often leads users to search for another hit. This pattern often contributes to the cycle of addiction.

How to Recognize Cocaine Addiction

A person addicted to cocaine often shows specific signs that they have developed a substance use disorder. These signs can include:

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Elevated body temperature
  • High blood pressure
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Hyperactivity
  • Runny nose or nosebleeds
  • Erratic behavior
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Respiratory infections
  • Secretive behavior
  • Mood swings
  • Paranoia
  • Loss of interest in hygiene
  • Financial difficulties

Prevent a Cocaine Overdose: Crest View Recovery Center Helps

Seeking cocaine addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one can significantly increase the chances of successfully overcoming dependence on the drug. Quality facilities like CVRC offer the resources and expertise to make the process easier. Our program emphasizes overall wellness because we know it’s important to treat the whole person, not simply the addiction. We teach people to overcome their addictions, address accompanying mental health conditions, and plan for a healthy new life they can be excited about.

Even if a person has attempted to recover from addiction to cocaine or other substances and has not been successful, CVRC can help them finally get on the right track. Can you overdose on cocaine and still receive proper help in time? The answer is yes. 

Our Cocaine Treatment Program Includes:

  • Individual therapy: one-on-one time in talk therapy helps individuals identify their issues, work to make peace with the past, and formulate ways to stay focused on their recovery.
  • Family therapy: Addiction affects everyone in the family, which makes it important that the family receives counseling to help establish boundaries, strengthen communication, and work together as a healthier family unit. 
  • Reality therapy: This is a form of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy that focuses on living in the present learning to problem-solve in order to reach a person’s goals. 
  • Group therapy: This allows participants to speak up and tell their stories, listen to others, and problem-solve together. It helps people feel less alone and feel understood by their peers.
  • Wilderness therapy: Getting outside can really open up a person’s mind and allow them the freedom to focus on something else that helps them heal. CVRC is located in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina, which provides a scenic backdrop and many opportunities to get outside and move around while enjoying nature.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment in Asheville, NC

When you or a loved one deals with a cocaine addiction, it can be difficult to ask for help. Crest View Recovery Center is happy to answer any questions you have about how our program helps you overcome your addiction and the options available to pay for rehab. We offer multiple types of treatment that address both substance use disorders and accompanying mental health conditions.

Contact Crest View Recovery Center in Ashville today at 866-986-1371 and let us help you get started on the road to recovery. You don’t have to face this addiction alone. 

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