Person in bed wondering if you can overdose on sleeping pills

Many people live stressful lives, leading to restlessness and insomnia. Consequently, sleeping pills are widely prescribed. But can you overdose on sleeping pills? What happens if you take too many? Don’t ignore the dangers these common drugs pose. Contact Crest View Recovery Center online or call 866.327.2505 to find out how you or a loved one can overdose on sleeping pills and how our drug addiction treatment in Asheville, North Carolina, can help.

What to Know About Taking Prescription Sleeping Pills

Sleeping pills are classified as sedative-hypnotics. This category also includes anxiety medication like Xanax. The only difference is that sleeping pills are not classified as benzodiazepines, so they have fewer side effects.

These pills are intended for short-term use to aid sleep, but people often misuse them, believing they can’t sleep without them. High dosages can be addictive due to their drowsy, feel-good effect. A sleeping pill overdose can cause depressed breathing, coma, or death. Continual use can also lead to severe addiction.

Sleeping Pill Dangers

Since sleeping pills take longer to kick in than other drugs, people often keep taking them until they feel the effects, risking overdose. Stopping is also dangerous due to severe withdrawal symptoms. These pills alter the brain’s chemistry, making detox painful and risky. Relapse is common, with cravings continuing months after detox.

Sleeping Pill Addiction

Substance addiction happens when someone becomes physically and mentally dependent on a substance. It’s a long-term brain condition, but not everyone who uses drugs will become addicted.

Because mental health conditions are so hard to cope with, individuals may turn to easily accessible prescription pills like Ambien to relieve them of their everyday struggles and worries. Genetics also often play a major role in addiction—if family members have had addiction issues, the risk is higher.

Sleeping Pill Overdose

Do you know how to recognize the common signs and symptoms of an overdose or serious prescription drug addiction? Watch out for the following:

  • Excessive daytime drowsiness
  • Memory loss
  • Extreme isolation
  • Dangerous activities

Additionally, the sedating effects of these drugs can increase the risks of serious accidents and falls.

What to Expect from Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

When someone addicted to prescription drugs enters a North Carolina rehab center, the first step is detox. Detox gradually weans them off the substance, removing drugs or alcohol from their body. During this process, clients experience painful withdrawal symptoms, like increased heart rates, sweating, and sometimes seizures. Once detox is complete, treatment can begin.

Residential treatment, or inpatient treatment, is the highest level of treatment available. This care is recommended for severe prescription addiction, with clients spending extended time in our treatment centers. Medical professionals monitor clients 24/7 to ensure safety.

What to Expect from Crest View

Highlights we offer for sleeping pill addiction treatment include but are not limited to:

  • Rehab treatment – The typical treatment people think of when rehab centers are talked about, where clients are treated inside the center
  • Intensive outpatient program (IOP) – Outpatient programs are created for individuals who need to attend school or work to provide for their families while also receiving treatment
  • On-site psychologists – Professionals who help clients identify past trauma that may have led to addiction or mental health issues
  • 9-step and 12-step programs – Programs teaching clients about a higher power
  • Family therapy – Therapy that gets the client’s family members and friends involved in the recovery process
  • Group therapy – Therapy that allows the client to understand there are others exactly like them who are struggling with the same disorders
  • Yoga and meditation – A creative outlet designed to allow the client to become one with their thoughts and spirituality
  • Acupuncture therapy – Needle therapy that releases unwanted stress and anxiety through placement over certain pressure points

At Crest View, our staff offers endless guidance and assistance.

Connect with Crest View Recovery Center’s Sleeping Pill Rehab in Asheville, NC

Crest View Recovery Center is a drug rehab treatment center in Asheville, North Carolina, that can help you overcome addiction challenges. Contact us online or call 866.327.2505 to learn more about our treatment options.