Drug Rehab Near Raleigh, NC

Get in Touch

Reach out to our compassionate team of experts for help with your journey to recovery. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Help a Loved One

If you’re concerned about a friend or family member’s well-being, we’re here to guide them on their path to recovery. Let us be your partner in their healing journey.

Verify Your Coverage

Ensure you have the support you need by verifying your insurance coverage. We’ll assist you in understanding your options and getting the treatment you deserve.

When you need drug and alcohol rehab services, you can trust you or your loved one will receive compassionate care at Crest View Recovery Center. Our professionals understand the effects of addiction on individuals and their friends and family, and they know how to create treatment plans that promote healing and continuous sobriety.

Personalized Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Raleigh, NC

Our staff strives to provide a safe space where individuals can recover in the healthy ways they need for their specific situations. We understand that every person has different needs and life experiences, which is why our staff of professionals seeks to understand each individual on a personal level.

Some individuals require intensive 24-hour care to begin their path to recovery. To accommodate this, we partner with DreamLife Recovery to provide unique inpatient rehab in Raleigh, NC, providing a treatment facility separate from living quarters to give individuals a more comfortable experience. We also focus on helping clients take the next step in their healing process through various programs and therapies.

Partial Hospitalization Program

When individuals participate in the Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), they can receive structured and consistent care while still enjoying the comforts of their home or attending to other obligations outside of treatment, such as child care or household responsibilities. Safety and guidance are always close by through this program.

Intensive Outpatient Program

Ideal for individuals transitioning from intensive treatment to normal life, the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) provides regular meetings, flexibility and opportunities to practice new habits in the context of everyday life. Those who participate in this program can receive care for a few hours a week and then integrate what they’ve learned into their life at home.

Holistic Therapy Approach

Our holistic therapy approach enables individuals to heal their souls, minds and bodies. They can learn mindfulness and concentration techniques through meditation and stress relief tactics, focus through yoga and persistence, and confidence through physical fitness.

Reality-Based Therapy

Through reality-based therapy, individuals learn problem-solving skills that prepare them to make healthy life choices. Professionals work with them to identify the root causes of their addictions and develop effective coping mechanisms that will help them throughout their lives.

Call Us for Alcohol and Drug Rehab in Raleigh, NC

Crest View Recovery Center is ready to help you or your loved one find healing, peace and support. Begin a fulfilling path to recovery by calling us today or contacting us online.

Start the journey toward recovery now.

Stop trying to fight this battle alone. Let today be the day you take control back from addiction. Contact Crest View today.

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